This is Suki, Suki is half saluki, quarter collie and quarter greyhound. She was born on the 28th of October 2021 and she was brought home to use at 13 weeks old.
Suki is broken coated, what this means is her coat is in-between smooth coated and rough coated. She was the only one of her litter to come out a tan type colour with a black muzzle, ear tips and tail. She has become a outstanding dog, achieving more than I could ask for in her first to months of worker, her bond with Paige and myself is strong and she is a pleasure both in the house and out.

Suki's Sire & Dam

Suki's Litter

Suki's Dam

Suki's Sire

Suki Report
Suki's First Day Home
Today we went to see suki, a young pup 10 weeks old that the fella wanted rid of. Picking the perfect puppy was crucial as this would be my first lurcher and will have to replace Paige in a few years time, I couldn't allow my self to fall in love with the first cute puppy I saw. anyway as soon as we walked in the door I fell in love, she was this skinny terrified little pup and had all the signs I new I had to avoid, but how could I leave her. five minutes later suki was in the van on the way home ha.
she was very scared for such a tiny puppy but handled the journey well. we took her straight to the beach after the tide was out and had a 5 minute walk with her before she met Paige. Paige is a very sensitive old girl who is attached to my hip but she took it very well, suki wasnt the type of puppy to get in her face, she was just to scared. It took a couple of week for suki to come around to me but she was a fast learner and was toilet trained by this time.
14th Jan 2022 Suki was 13 inches

Suki's First Month
Over her first month she learnt a lot and made loads of new friends, her bond with myself was getting stronger by the day and her training was coming on leaps and bounds, Paige had now come around to the fact that suki would be staying and there bond began bdeveloping. in the first week I had suki around all the livestock on the farm. people often underestimate the importance of having a life stock trained dog, espesially when ferreting as this is often around life stock! The dog must be able to work around the stock and show no interest.
She also started with all her basic commands like come, sit and retrieve. In my eyes these 3 things are the most important thing to train a young pup for a hunting life. recall must be on point, sit for them emergency's where the dog needs to sit and be still and retrieving for when the dog has to catch and retreve life rabbits.
In her first month she also had her first ferreting trip out, getting used to the nets and ferrets and also the feel of fur in her mouth. this was Lincolns firrst time out as well and you could tell the where going to be the perfect duo.
30th Jan 2022 Suki was 16 inches


Suki's First 6 Months
suki's first month was ram packed with learning and socialising. she has come on brilliantly from that tiny scared puppy I picked up. her retreviving is going well and so is all her basic commands. on the farm she had experienced her first lambing time and been involved and around them, we have also been on plenty of walks and met loads of new people; although she still doesn't like being touched by strangers. while she hasn't seen a rabbit yet ( will be waiting till at least 10month) she has killed a rat and retreved it that was running around the farm ha.
She's been to plenty of shows and had the opatunity to enter in 3 of them which she places a first and two seconds.
15th Feb 2022 suki was 17.8inches
11th March 2022 suki was 19.5inches
12th April 2022 suki was 22.5inches

Suki's First Time Ferreting
By now suki is 10 month old and it was her first every ferreting trip where she was going to see it all! We had Paige and Jess with us for her to be able to watch and get the hang of things. alone arrival we spotted some rabbits which suki saw, her ears went up, you could tell she was keen which was a god sign, as you know she hasn't seem a rabbit since 14 weeks old. we started on some of the open fields we have ferreted for years but unfortunately there had been a new housing estate built right next to it and the abuse from the resadents started! enevatably the farmer came and asked us to put the dogs on the lead, after trying this and getting dragged all over the field we decided we would just put them in the van until we where finished. Moving on we did some woods and head rows, suki retrieved some dead rabbits which was nice to see and even caught one which was just about to go back down a hole in a hedge.
She did amazing, I was very proud of her to see all the work and training I had put into her finally coming out. High hopes for suki!
10months old suki was 24.5 inches
Suki's First Time Lamping
On the 5th September 2022 we went lamping! it was a cold, rainy night with not a lot of wind so we weren't expecting to much, only hoping to get suki started as she had never seen a lamp before or caught a rabbit running yet. we started of letting her watch jess for a few runs then spotted nice close rabbit hopping around and I slipped. what a first run it was for suki, she didn't catch it but was close. then another and I slipped again but this time she caught it, scooped it up by its tail, I went running over as I was expecting her to retreve on the first night and I dispatched it. suki was hucked, rabbit after rabbit she was catching, what a rush, to see the dog I raised do so well and to add to that on her 13th, 14th and 15th rabbit she lived retrieved! couldn't of asked for a better first night with her.

Suki's First Day Time Catch
Suki's first catch! on her 3rd time ferreting she caught and retrieved her first rabbit during the day. all the training is paying off at last, I couldnt of been happier in this moment, what a brilliant young dog she's becoming, she could work on the way she holds a rabbit but that will come with experience im sure.