Fully Insured Rabbit Control & Rabbit Eradication Service
We cover it all from industrial estates to agricultural grounds to gardens and small areas. We have previously worked with schools, councils, estates, golf courses, cemeteries, solar farms, archaeological sites, the national trust and much more...
We are ready to work in any situation provided, fully equipped for the more sensitive situations, where public may be involved.
We understand that each job comes with different problems and issues, but with many years experience we are able to carry out the job to the highest standard.
We offer both rabbit control and rabbit eradication to provide the best result for your needs. we offer these services in one of visits, regular visits and yearly contracts.

Our Methods Of Rabbit Control

When is Rabbit Control and Rabbit Eradication required?
Rabbit control and rabbit eradication is needed when the damage caused by them can no longer be tolerated or managed in the affected area. This can be for financial, safety or environmental reasons. Greatly reducing a population, and maintaining it at a low level, helps mange your rabbit problem and allows other wildlife to flourish, while still allowing a small population of rabbits to remain. Rabbit eradication will completely remove all the rabbits from the sensitive areas i.e. graveyards, train lines, archaeological sites...
Rabbits are one of few species that have a tendency to breed excessively, and can over graze in areas where population is out of control. Low levels of rabbits are also less susceptible to diseases such as myxomatosis and vhd.
If rabbit numbers are left unchecked the population increase can have many negative effects on an area. Grazing, chewing and digging combined with breeding are all characteristics that rabbits are famous for. You will know if you require rabbit control to reduce the rabbit population if you have experienced any of these common problems: crop damage, loss of habitat, electric wire damage, or missing flowers in gardens. To avoid such issues, it is often advisable to reduce a population.

Why We Don't Gas
While other rabbit control services will offer a gassing services, we believe its causes more problems than it solves; for the environment, and it is considerably more expensive than any other rabbit control method. When gassing, you drop the gas into the warrens covering all the holes behind you, in hope that it doesn't leak out; the result being 70% of the rabbits breath it in and die. BUT this method leaves the gas sitting in the warrens, killing all other life that comes into contact with it. Ultimately, having a large overall effect on biodiversity and wildlife in the surrounding area. We won't use any gas or poisons when doing our rabbit control.

One off visits - These visits are for small numbers of rabbits, and can usually be achieved in one or several days. The rabbits will be removed, and the holes, if accessible, filled in in an attempt to exclude them. All our contracts, whether industrial estate or a small garden, will come with a free quote and assessment, beating all other prices on the market!
Seasonal Contract - A constant rabbit control option, where rabbits are likely to keep coming back, either off land outside your curtilage, you can't access, or there is a huge number of rabbits that can't be controlled in a couple of days. We have seasonal contracts with large councils, schools and estates.
Rabbit Control Contracts We Offer

About Our Ferrets And Dogs
Our Dogs - At this present moment in time we have three dogs working along side our team for most of our services. The dogs play a huge part in our everyday lives and rabbit express; willing to tackle any jobs that we ask of them. Our dogs are fully trained to the highest standard and are completely livestock broken as have been raise on the farm. All the dogs on the farm are raw fed and the rabbits we catch plays bit part in there diet. You can find out more about our dogs below
Our Ferrets - We currently have a total of 14 working ferrets on our team with us that we have bred over many generations to get the best workers possible and also make the best pets possible as these ferrets are not just workers but apart of our family. When breeding our ferrets we look not only for the size and working capability but there personalty as well; size wise we use what is known as a half micro which is smaller than a standard size ferret and more nimble but do also have standard size ferrets for them tricky situations. Like our dogs all our ferrets are raw fed to provide the best health and wellbeing possible. They live in huge converted dog kennels with tunnels hammocks and space to be able to behave naturally and as freely as possible when they're not working.

The rabbit proof fencing provided by cowran estate services is by far one of the best on the market; with the wire buried at least a foot or two deep under ground to stop the rabbits burring under and at least 4ft tall to act as livestock fencing but this can all be custom to fit your ever needs.
Protect your garden, livestock and land from rabbit invasion by acting and getting rabbit proof fencing now.