Organic Feed Recipe - 28% Protein

- Wheat or Barley (hard or soft, winter or spring) -12%
- Split Peas - 21%
- Oats - 15%
- High Protein Soy Bean Meal - 44%
- Sesame Seed or Sunflower Seeds - 20%
- Dried Mealworms - 60%
- Dried Seaweed
- Garlic
- Oregano
- Oyster Shell
Sprouting your wheat
When you sprout your wheat you automatically unlock nutrition and make it 10 times easier
for them to digest. Start by soaking the grains for 24hrs and then letting them sprout for
3 days. When the wheat turns into fodder you can the feed the same amount/ volume
which them saves on wheat and money.
Seaweed is an amazing thing to add to any animals diet as it holds massive amounts of nutrition, improves the immune system, increases egg production and much more!
Poultry keepers have used raw garlic for years to help ward off a whole list of poultry ailments including respiratory problems, infection, and as a general support to the immune system. Garlic is also used to repel any nasty creatures like fleas, ticks, flies and the list goes on..
Immune enhancing, Antibacterial, Antiaflatoxins, Anticoccidial and Ascites syndrome
The ratio for your 28% protein feed mixture
- Wheat - 10kg
- Peas - 5kg
- Oats - 5kg
- High Protein Soy Bean Meal - 9kg
- Seeds - 2kg
- Mealworms - 3kg
- Seaweed - 200G
- Garlic - 150G
- Oregano - 150G
- Oyster shell - 200G
This recipe makes about 35kg
you can brake it down if you only need smaller amounts but I like to make my feed in bulk!
Thanks for this recipe! So do you mix everything together except for the wheat, and then sprout the wheat and mix it as you feed to the animals?