Ferreting For Rabbit Control And Rabbit Eradication
Ferreting is a method that has been used to controlling the rabbit population for hundreds of year. This method is very effective and will not disturb the biodiversity and landscape with in the affected area. We take pride in working with our ferrets, creating life long bonds and memories. Ferreting requires a lot more skill than you might think, skill not just from you but also from the ferrets and dogs you may be working with on the given day. As soon as the ferrets are old enough you start the training, getting them used to being handled and getting them used to there future work partners; whether that be our selves, other ferrets or the dogs they will all need to be able to work as a team. Ferreting involves a ferret, purse nets or long nets and a tracker collar. the ferret starts off down the hole flushing the rabbits out the hole and into the nets. This results in an quite evection. Dogs may be brought in to mark and make the job more effective. All our dogs are 100% livestock friendly and have been raised on the estate with us.
Why Ferreting?... Ferreting allows us to remove the rabbits with out effecting the biodiversity in the surrounding areas, letting wildlife to blossom around your affected area. We take pride in being able to provide a service with benefits not one you but the wildlife and nature around.

Ferreting With Longnets
Ferreting with longnets allows you to put the net right around the warren instead of netting each hole, this come in very handy when working with bushes, woodlands and thick vegetation. When long netting during the day you place the long nets in the correct position around the hole making sure not to skip any, then we add our team of ferrets into the warrens and sets to flush the rabbits out of the holes and run into the nets. When working with a lot of holes we bring in our dogs to help flush the rabbits into the longnets.
Longnets are also effective when used correctly at night. Before it gets dark we set the longnets up around the area so that when darkness falls and the rabbits leave the safety of their burrows and venture far out on grass and arable land, often travelling considerable distances in the search for food. They run out into the nets and get trapped and tangled in the net. Once the rabbits are caught we swiftly despatch the rabbits causing no un nessiory pain or stress.
The use of longnets and ferrets cause verily zero disturbance becoming a quite and effective method for both rabbit express and the sounding areas.

Ferreting With Purse Nets
Purse nets are a smaller more oval shaped net that covers one hole on a warren instead of going around the area. We currently own about 300 purse nets and use them on most of our ferreting jobs where access to the holes are easy to reach and cover. When ferreting with purse nets, if the rabbit hole is netted propely the rabbits have a zero to none chance of getting away. As soon as the rabbit is bolted into the net by the ferrets we quickly and humanly dispatch it and recover the rabbit hole. This is when the size of ferrets we breed comes in very handy, when working our half micros with purse nets the ferrets are the perfect size to fit straight though the nets with out getting tangled or pulling them in.
For our ferreting job we come with our full team, us, the dogs and of course our team of ferrets; raring to tackle any jobs. If we feel like its needed we will purse net and long net the rabbit burrow this way their is zero chance of any escaped rabbits if rabbit eradication is what you are looking for.